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sn code Business Unit PRICE
176 638 Port operational facilities (including ferries, sea ports, airports, dry ports, wharfs)
177 639 Petroleum and related products bulk storage and handling
178 640 Non-renewable energy production and distribution storage
179 641 Railways terminals
165 117 Miraa / Mugoka Shop Exclusive License
166 206 Mobile non-motorized food vending carts
167 616 Small tours and travel agents (1-5 Employees)
168 617 Medium tours and travel agents (5-10 Employees)
169 618 Large tours and travel agents (Over 10 Employees)
170 645 SACCOS / Cooperative Societies / Microfinance Institutions (1-50 members)
171 646 SACCOS / Cooperative Societies / Microfinance Institutions (over 50 members)
172 650 M-Pesa Dealer
173 755 Modern Gym and Fitness training Centre within CBD, urban and semi-urban areas
174 754 Non-modern Gym and Fitness training outside urban areas
175 562 Traditional alcohol seller
157 542 Wines and Spirits
138 104 Medium Departmental store or Supermarket
139 746 Small Chemist: Up to 2 employees
140 747 Medium Chemist: From 3 to 5 employees
141 748 Large Pharmacy/ Chemist: 6 employees and Above
142 751 Large Social Hall: Over 100 seats
143 752 Medium Social Hall: Up to 100 seats
144 753 Swimming pool
145 790 Vocational apartment per annum per apartment
148 385 Small Cyber Cafe: Up to 5 Computers
3 103 Large Mega store, Hypermarket – Large Departmental store, Supermarket
2 102 Small Furniture Showroom : Up to 50 m2
37 318 Transportation company per boat
25 240 Car wash : Machines 5 and above
26 241 Medium car wash : Machines 2-4
27 242 Small car wash : Up to 1 machine
57 415 Small Agricultural Producer or Processor or Dealer or Exporter: Upto 5 employees.
63 450 Slaughter slab – Cows/Goats/ Chicken
91 604 Containers Freight Stations (CFS)
44 350 Liquid Storage Tanks Complex : Above 750m2
45 351 Medium Liquid Storage Complex : From 250m2 to 750m2
46 352 Small Storage Complex : Up to 250m2
104 703 Professional Colleges
103 702 College, Vocational training centres and polytechnics
105 704 International schools
110 721 Large community based schools : Over 200 Students
111 722 Medium community based schools : From 100-200 Students
112 723 Small community based schools : Below 100 Students
123 789 Hostels/Back packers
1 101 Large Furniture Showroom : Over 100 m2
4 105 Large Trader, Shop, Retail Store or Personal Service: From 21 to 100 employees and Premises from 300 to 3000 m2 in fair location Wholesalers, Distributors, suppliers
81 550 Floating Restaurant/Dhows
9 110 Medium Trader, LPG gas, Shop or Retail Service From 5 to 20 employees and premises from 50 to 300 m2
11 115 Small Trader, Retail Shop up to 4 employees and premises less than 50m2
131 835 General Supplies
12 116 Retail shop with LPG Gas or cooking fuel
130 830 Supplies and Construction
14 195 Other Wholesale Retail Traders, Stores, Shops and Services
132 840 Large Bakery Manufacturer: Over 30 employess
133 841 Medium Bakery Manufacturer: From 10 to 30 employees
20 215



A vendor at an authorized place: without a motor vehicle { Small informal sector Trader/Service Provider
134 842 Small Bakery Manufacturer: Upto 10 employees
21 220 Semi-Permanent Informal Sector Trader: Up to 2 persons operating in verandah or temporary building.
6 106 Large Vehicle Showrooms/ Parking Yards/ Storage:10 cars and above
17 205 Mobile Traders/Vendors
7 107 Medium Vehicle Showrooms/ Parking Yards/ Storage:1 to 10 cars
32 305 Transportation company above 20 Vehicles
33 310 Medium Transport Company: From 5 to 20 vehicles
34 315 Small Transportation company: Up to 4 Vehicles
38 320 Independent Transport Operator: 1 vehicle.
39 325 Petrol Filling station Over 5 Pumps
40 330 Medium Petrol Filling station 3-5 Pumps
41 335 Small petrol filling station/kerosene
42 340 Large Cold Storage Facility: Over 1,000 m2, insulated walls, cold production equipment.
43 345 Medium Cold Storage Facility: Between 100-1,000 m2.
47 355 Large Storage Facility: Godown/Warehouse.
48 360 Medium Storage Facility: From 250m2 to 750m2.
49 365 GSM Communication Base
50 370 Mobile Communications services
51 375 Telecommunication Company/Television Broadcasting Company
52 380 Radio FM Communications Co.
53 390 Large Cyber Cafe: Above 6 Computers
54 395 Other Transport, Storage ,Communications, and Delivery services
55 405 Large Agricultural Producer or Processor or Dealer or Exporter: Over 10 employees
56 410 Medium Agricultural Producer or Processor or Dealer or Exporter: From 6 to 10 employees.
58 420 Large Mining Company – Administration offices over 50 employees
59 425 Medium Mining Company – Administration offices from 4 to 50 employees
60 435 Large Butchery
61 440 Medium Butchery
62 445 Small Butchery
67 495 Other Agricultural, Forestry and Natural Resources
68 503 Large High Standard Lodging House or Hotel D Class: Over 100 rooms
69 506 Medium High Standard Lodging House or Hotel D Class: From 41 to 100 rooms.
70509 Small High Standard Lodging House or Hotel D Class: Up to 40 rooms.
71 512 Large Lodging House with Restaurant or Bar B or C Class: Basic standard over 15 rooms.
72 515 Medium Lodging House with Restaurant or Bar B or C Class: Basic standard from 6 to 15 rooms.
73 518 Small Lodging House with Restaurant and or Bar B or C Class: Basic standard up to 5 rooms.
74 521 Large Lodging House B or C Class: Basic standard over 15 rooms
75 524 Medium Lodging House B or C Class: Basic standard from 6 to 15 rooms.
76 527 Small Lodging House B or C Class: Basic standard up to 5 rooms
77 540 Large Restaurant with Bar or Membership Club: Capacity over 30 customers or members.
78 541 Membership Club with Restaurant, Bar and Accommodations
79 543 Medium Restaurant with Bar or Membership Club: Capacity from 11 to 30 customers or members.
80 549 Large Eating House; Snack Bar; Tea House Hotel: No lodging and no alcohol served with capacity over 20 customers.
82 552 Medium Eating House; Snack Bar; Tea House Hotel: No lodging and no alcohol served with capacity from 11 to 20 customers.
84 558 Medium Butcheries with roasted meat
85 561 Large Bar
87 580 Night club
89 595 Small Eating House / Catering and Accommodation
92 605 Large Professional Services Firm: Over 10 employees and or International affiliation.
93 610 Medium Professional Services Firm: From 3 to 10 employees.
94 615 Small Professional Services Firm: Up to 2 employees.
95 620 Independent Technical Operator: One person acting individually (typist, accountant, bookkeeper, etc).
96 625 Large Financial Services
98 640 Financial Services: ATM
99 641 Forex Bureau
100 651 Large Mpesa Agent Outlet
101 652 Small Mpesa Outlet – 1 Person Operating
102 695 Other Professional and Technical Services
106 705 University
107 710 Large Private Education Institution over 500 students
108 715 Medium Private Education Institution from 200 to 500 students
109 720 Small Private Educational Institution below 200 students
113 725 Large Private Health Facility: Hospital, Clinic, Nursing Home (providing overnight accommodation with capacity over 30 beds), Funeral Home.
114 730 Medium Private Health Facility: Providing overnight accommodation with capacity from 11 to 30 beds.
115 735 Small Private Health Facility: Providing overnight accommodation with capacity up to 10 beds.
116 740 Health Clinic with no overnight accommodation available.
117 745 Traditional Health Services, Herbalist, Traditional Healer, etc.
118 750 Large Entertainment Facility: Cinema-Theatre-Video Show (over 100 seats), Amusement-Juke Box-Games Machines Arcades (over 10 machines), Sports Club-Gym (Over 50 members).
120 765 Video Show
121 770 Driving School
122 775 Diving School
124 795 Other Education, Health, and Entertainment Services
125 805 Large Industrial Plant: Over 75 employees or premises over 2,500 m2.
126 810 Medium Industrial Plant: From 16 to 75 employees or premises from 100 m2 to 2,500 m2.
127 815 Small Industrial Plant: Up to 15 employees or premises up to 100 m2.
128 820 Large Workshop or Service-Repair Contractor: Over 20 employees or premises over 500 m2.
129 825 Medium Workshop or Service-Repair Contractor: From 6 to 20 employees or premises from 25 m2 to 500 m2.
135 895 Other Manufacturer, Workshop, Factory, Contractor
97 630 Medium Financial Services: Up to 4 employees


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