What You Require to Link a Business on Ecitizen Portal
You will require the following details to be able to complete the linking of a business process:
- Designation of the company officials (i.e. proprietor, director/director shareholder/shareholder/ company secretary).
- Copy of the Business Registration Certificate you are linking.
- Telephone numbers of the directors and the company.
- Email addresses of the directors and the company.
- Postal address of the company and the company officials.
- County, district, locality, and street where the director or proprietor resides.
- Identification Number(s).
- Company building/Plot L.R. No.
- Finally, the county, district, locality, and street where the company is located.
How to Link a Business on Ecitizen Portal
1. Log in to the eCitizen Portal using your Id number and password. In case you do not have an account, you should create an eCitizen Account to enable you to access the service.
2. After successful login, locate the Business Registration Services option and click on it.
3. Next to my Businesses Option, click on ‘link a business’.

4. On the find a business search bar provided, type the name of the business you want to link and click search. If you have typed the name or business registration number well, the name with the business number will appear with the status not verified at the end. Search by name as the registration numbers may differ from what you have.

5. Select the business that matches yours and click on next to continue.
6. Edit Details – Check if you need to edit any of the given details. These are the Business Name, Registration Number, Registration Type, and Registration Date. Compare these details with the ones provided on the certificate. Only edit these details if necessary, otherwise, skip to the next step. Click on Save and continue.
7. Nature of Business – Select the capacity of the person making the application and while on that select the nature of the business.

8. Registered Office Addresses – Capture the Primary Address of the business. This should be the information regarding where the business is located.
9. Ownership Information – Edit the ownership information using the provided button. Select the designation, and citizenship, enter the ID number, and first name, and then click on the verify button. Complete the rest of the form. If there are other proprietors follow the same procedure to add them. After adding the owner details, click on the save and continue button.
10. Click on submit and review.
You are Through with Business Linking Process !!!